The President of CAPES wants the institution to be one of the drivers for increasing cooperation among Southern countries

In this interview with the President of CAPES, Denise Pires de Carvalho, we analyze the importance of South-South cooperation for the institution. De Carvalho actually states that “it’s very important that CAPES is one of the drivers for increasing cooperation among Southern countries, including Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, so that we can promote greater development in these nations globally”. CAPES was, in fact, one of the organizers of the 2nd Interregional Dialogue on Education and Development in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa.

De Carvalho highlights the importance of establishing new collaborations with different Southern countries. In this regard, she stresses the essential role of OBREAL “for us to establish contacts with different institutions and countries to expand CAPES’s operations”.

The complete interview with the President of CAPES can be found below (note that there are available subtitles in English, Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese):