The Head of Education of the African Union, Sophia Ashipala, welcomes the close collaboration with OBREAL and hopes to strengthen it in the future

The Head of Education of the African Union Commission, Sophia Ashipala, celebrates the success of the 2nd Interregional Dialogue on Education and Development in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa held in Addis Ababa.

Ashipala states that it is a great opportunity to strengthen relations between the different Souths, relations that she considers important to cultivate. Especially in the context of the AU Year of Education.

Ashipala is pleased with the existing collaboration between the African Union and OBREAL and says she hopes to strengthen these ties in the future to “create a very, very powerful team.”

The entire interview with Sophia Ashipala can be found below (note that subtitles are available in English, Spanish and Catalan):