Webinar series
Trends in Internationalisation of the Curriculum and Digitalisation
Perspectives from the South and the North
The South American Chapter organized a series of webinars aimed at presenting and discussing, from an interregional perspective, the main trends in the internationalization of curricula and the digitization of learning. The webinars were held together with OBREAL Global members, the Associations of Rectors and Universities of Brazil (ANDIFES), Chile (CRUCH), Colombia (ASCUN) and Mexico (ANUIES), the Asociación de Universidades del Grupo de Montevideo, LINED of the Universidad de Mar del Plata in Argentina, the Universidad Veracruzana of Mexico, FAUBAI (Brazil), SARUA (South Africa), CSUCA (Central America) and SIU (India) and with the participation of OBREAL Global’s partners EUA (Europe) and EAIE (Europe).