Cases of good practices
of internationalization experiences
of the curriculum

Webinar series

There is a great diversity of strategies for the internationalization of a curriculum and each experience is distinguished according to the nature of the university courses or degrees involved, the context in which they are developed and the capabilities of each teacher. An important part of the process of creating internationalization strategies is to think beyond the dominant paradigms, explore emerging paradigms and imagine new possibilities and new ways of thinking and doing. Therefore, the objective of presenting good practices is to encourage participants to imagine ideas that can then be applied in their own teaching practice.

The concept of “good practices” refers to any experience that is guided by principles, objectives and appropriate procedures or advisable guidelines that are in line with a given normative perspective or a consensus parameter, as well as any experience that has yielded positive results, demonstrating its effectiveness and usefulness in a specific context.

In this series of webinars, cases of best practices in universities in Central America, Mexico, Argentina and Spain were presented.

Webinar 1

Presentation of cases of good practices in universities in the Argentine Republic

Friday, May 27, 2022 – 09h Guatemala


Manuel Alejandro Giovine

National University of Córdoba

Gracia Maria Clérico

National University of Litoral

Luciana Barilaro

National University of Mar del Plata

Webinar 2

Presentation of best practice cases in Mexican and Spanish universities

Thursday, June 9, 2022 – 14h Guatemala


Angel Fernandez

Universidad Veracruzana

Marina Casals

Rovira i Virgili University

Genoveva Amador Fierros

University of Colima

Webinar 3

Presentation of best practice cases in Central American universities

Thursday, June 23, 2022 – 09h Guatemala


Mildred Acuña Sossa

Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica

Marlene Sarahí Domínguez

National Autonomous University of Honduras

Isaiah Sanjur

Technological University of Panama

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