On 8 November, 2022, OBREAL and Universities Caribbean – chair of the OBREAL Caribbean Chapter – officially launched the Caribbean Chapter. We did so in the context of a symposium on “Women, Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the Wider Caribbean Region”, hosted by the University Simor Bolivar in Baranquilla Colombia. They are, in fact, the newest member of OBREAL. A great addittion since they are an important bridge between South America, Colombia and the Caribbean.

We held the event in conjunction with the Universities Caribbean General Assembly. In the context of the event, OBREAL sponsored an important high-level dialogue: “What Can Universities Do to Sustain Creative Industries ?” The panel that kicked off the launch of the Caribbean Chapter gathered representatives from all OBREAL chapters:

launch caribbean chapter

Apiyo Okwiri, Project Manager at OBREAL, and Myriam Moise, Secretary General of Universities Caribbean, kicked off the launch of the Caribbean Chapter. They both made important points regarding the goal of the chapter going forward.

OBREAL’s Caribbean chapter aims at representing the Caribbean region, taking into account all its specificities. It highlights the specific importance of university leadership and offers a platform for Higher Education communities to boost their capacities through innovation diplomacy. The Chapter has its own priorities and work plan. Nevertheless, it is connected to and benefits from the South American (led by ASCUN) and Central American (led by CSUCA) Chapters, where certain members, universities, as well as priorities and interests overlap.

Path forward after the launch of the Caribbean Chapter

An international ‘Caribbean Chapter Committee’ will enhance the activities of the Caribbean chapter. This Committee is constituted of executives and active members of Universities Caribbean. Also of identified UC partners and stakeholders across the region.

Amongst the thematic priorities are: Sustainable Tourism and Creative Industries and Energy Transition and Gender Equality. Throughout 2023 the members of the Caribbean Chapter will organize capacity building activities.

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