OBREAL has delivered a training workshop for the successful formulation of projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ Program in Panama. The training, aimed at higher education institutions and vocational training centers in Panama, was attended by more than 100 participants.
The workshop was financed by the Delegation of the EU in Panama with the support of SENACYT (Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación”.
Theoretical and practical approach to project formulation
Two of OBREAL’s project managers, Jaume Fortuny and Angel Rafael, traveled to this country as experts in Erasmus+ to teach the course and provide technical assistance in the formulation of projects.
The workshop for the successful formulation of projects in Panama had a theoretical and a practical aspect. On the one hand, the Erasmus+ program was presented, as well as the specific calls of interest for Panama. But there were also practical sessions to exchange ideas, identify potential projects and even initiate the drafting of concept notes and work plans.
OBREAL is committed to capacity building of institutional, academic and administrative personnel. In fact, it is one of our pillars of action that is attracting more and more interested parties.