Interregional Dialogue Education and development in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa Addis Ababa, July 23 – 25, 2024 Satisfaction survey How satisfied are you with the quality and relevance of the content presented in the sessions?(Required)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow would you rate the networking opportunities offered during the event?(Required)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow satisfied are you with the side events organized during the conference?(Required)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedHow satisfied are you with the logistics of the event, including the venue, food, simultaneous interpretation, and schedules?(Required)Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedIs there anything you would improve for future events? Please provide your suggestions below. co-organized by with the support of